Our mission is to advance and promote knowledge on the genetic basis of infections and to contribute to the development of individualized strategies for their prevention and treatment.
Through the combined analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, epigenomes, and integrative biology (cell culture, gene editing), GENVIP investigates the biological basis of infections using a novel host-based approach, and explores solutions for clinical practice through biomarkers.
Led by Profesor. Federico Martinón-Torres (Head of the Department ofPediatrics, University Hospital Complex of Santiago and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Santiago), a pediatrician with experience in clinical practice and research in the field of infectious diseases, and by Profesor Antonio Salas Ellacuriaga (Faculty of Medicine of the University of Santiago deCompostela) a geneticist of international repute.
We use the latest technologies and analysis techniques from different disciplines to optimize the understanding, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infections.
We conduct studies on genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics and proteomics, as well as bioinformatics analysis focused on infections and vaccines
We use our platforms for Direct Digital Molecular Detection (Nanostring's nCounter MAX) and Sequencing (NextSeq2000 from Illumina).
The technology and services offered by GENVIP through this Platform provides significant advantages for medium throughput sequencing options. Some of the most common applications of this system include whole human exome sequencing, mRNA sequencing and gene panels or single gene sequencing. Thanks to the flexible technology, the platform can be adapted to a wide range of applications and used in projects with different sequencing targets.
In addition, we now offer the Single Cell Service The Chromium X series provide access to single cell analysis at any stage.
It offers cost-effective single cell analysis, making it the right technology to perform single cell assays at any scale with the greatest flexibility.
More info
El grupo participa además como Nodo Nacional (Spanish National Hub - RECLIP) en el proyecto IHI (Innovative Health Initiatives) de la red europea de ensayos clínicos pediátricos conect4children (IMI2 JU GA 777389 con la colaboración de H2020 y EFPIA). RECLIP tiene como objetivo principal servir como una organización capaz de proporcionar una red completamente desarrollada y profesionalizada de las mejores unidades nacionales de ensayos clínicos en población pediátrica. El trabajo de RECLIP es facilitar a los sponsors de ensayos clínicos el entorno y la infraestructura adecuada, a través de la excelencia de nuestros centros en red de investigación clínica, con la finalidad de realizar ensayos clínicos pediátricos en los centros pre-cualificados que pertenecen a la red.
En este video, con motivo del 60 aniversario de FarmaIndustria, el pediatra e investigador principal de GENVIP, Dr. Federico Martinón, pone en valor la investigación, en concreto a través de los ensayos y estudios clínicos, también la importancia del modelo de colaboración público-privada en este ámbito. Además, nos recuerda la necesidad de seguir estudiando, de seguir investigando y, de no detenerse poniendo siempr al paciente en el centro.
También puedes ver el video completo de FarmaIndustria aquí.
El evento tendrá lugar en el Anfiteatro del IDIS y abordará los últimos avances en tecnologías multiómicas para su uso en investigación. La charla está dirigida a cualquier interesad@ en conocer el potencial y las aplicaciones de SINGLECELL y de SPATIALMULTIOMICS como técnicas de carácter innovador en el campo de las CienciasÓmicas.
Contaremos con expertos de 10XGenomics y BonsaiLab en NextGenerationGenomics:
🟢 "Go where single cell has never gone before" - Agnieszka Ciesielska, Science & Technology Advisor, 10x Genomics.
🟢"How to optimize your single cell sample preparation for working with 10X Genomics" - Elena Aranda, Field Application Specialist at Bonsai Lab.
🟢"Deciphering impact of driver mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia microenviroment” - Javier Fernández - Mateos, postdoctoral research fellow at Oviedo University.
🟢"See biology at high dimension with spatial transcriptomics" - Agnieszka Ciesielska, Science & Technology Advisor, 10x Genomics.
🟢"Diving into Bonsai Lab Technology: Multiplexing dPCR and Sequencing with flexibility" - Mario González, Senior Product Manager, Bonsai Lab.